Atlassian ACP-520 Cloud Organization Admin Certification

The new Atlassian ACP-520 exam to get the Atlassian Cloud Organization Admin Certification (ACP-OA) is one of the more accessible certifications since the subject area is minimal (for me, more manageable compared to the ACP-120, for example).

The Atlassian Cloud Organization Admin Certification is perfect for administrators of Atlassian Cloud products and organizations. Holding this certification shows an ability to manage user and group access to Atlassian products across multiple Cloud sites, including managed and unmanaged accounts. This exam covers various access methods, including domains, invitation links, and user invites. People who pass this exam can also configure admin APIs, application tunnels, release tracks, sandboxes, and IP-allow listing.


The exam covers these high-level topic areas:

  • Atlassian Organizations (35-45% of the exam)
  • Users and Groups (25-35% of the exam)
  • Admin Roles (10-15% of the exam)
  • Advanced Features (15-20% of the exam)

Exam details

Exam: ACP-520
Name: Atlassian Certified Cloud Organization Admin Certification (ACP-OA)
Price: $100 USD (for a limited time, after that $249 USD)
Length: up to 65 questions
Time limit: 180 minutes
Passing score: 62 percent
Expire: after 2 years
Test Centers: PSI Exam Center (OnSite) & PSI Web Delivery (Remote)

My notes about the exam

  • I only used the University Prep Course and liked the exam questions at the end of each chapter (always worth at least jumping to the end, even if you feel super confident in that chapter). Also, there are five sandbox challenges included to prepare. These are undoubtedly interesting to someone who has never created an organization or site.
  • One thing was already outdated: for User Invites, “Approved Domains Only” is already named “Invite approved Domains” in the Administrator Hub.
  • In the exam, there are a lot of tabular questions about scenarios, e.g., a table with users and tasks, plus the question of how many org admins must be.
  • You don’t need to worry about Atlassian Access too much. The only real questions have been about billable users and approved domains.
  • Many exam questions play with True or False (negated questions), or definitely, etc., so read carefully! Like in all exams.
  • My weakest exam topic has been advanced features in the premium or enterprise plans. I was digging into that right after the exam.
  • The exam tries to create uncertainty in questions with mixtures of approved vs. verified in connection with e-mail and domain.

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